Ever found yourself stressing out about some random thing that you felt you had no control over? So much so that you lost sight of the bigger picture? When we stress out about things that we have no control over, life seemingly becomes small, harsh and colorless. We hide behind things...Hope dissipates...We become cynical, hard and distrustful...Smiles are limited...Tension creeps in...We feel helpless.
But when we put things into perspective and remember that our lives are bigger
than just us, we can approach life with a new-found vibrance. Life becomes brighter...Warmer...Open...We can relax a bit...Breathe deeper...Smile more...And even find rest in the midst of the situation.
So when you find yourself stressing out, over-analyzing and just digging for nothing good, pause...Breathe...Think bigger than the 'right now' and say to yourself, "don't sweat the small stuff". When you look back on the situation, you'll be glad that you listened to you.
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