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    Beauty in Simplicity | Personal Musings

    Saturday, October 19, 2013

    Dawn Michelle Downey Chronicles Photography

    It's nice to be able to stop for a minute and take in the smallest details. Sometimes I have to force myself to do this, and today was no different. Earlier today, I was walking the dog, trying to hurry up so that I could get back in the house...as usual. But then I realized that after 2 weeks, the sun was finally out. It felt soooo good to me! So I began to do a lazy stroll with Nat, taking in the sights of my neighborhood. Then I came across all of these beautiful bushes with little, blooming flowers. The bees were all OVER them though. (I run like a chicken when a bee is near) But what I was seeing was such an awesome picture! So I went inside, grabbed my camera, and made my foe my model. All I can say is, she's not so bad...today. Glad I paused for a second to enjoy the light of the sun on my back.

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