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    NYC Chronicles | Random Musings | NYC Family Photographer

    Tuesday, July 29, 2014

    Hey everyone! I hope you're doing well. I just got back from a fun and incredibly busy 5 day trip to NYC. As always I jammed a bunch of activity into the small space of that time. I took a trip to the 9/11 museum and memorial, skated at the new Pier 2 skating rink in Brooklyn Bridge Park, visited with family and friends and shot some amazing sessions and events. But most of all, I had the pleasure of spending some quality time with my Mom and my 2 South African brothers that she has hosted for the past 2 summers. 

    Dawn Michelle Downey | Chronicles Photography | NYC Portrait Photography

    Let me elaborate. My home church in Brooklyn, (shout out to Emmanuel Baptist Church, aka EBC) has a program where they do a number of things for the Pretoria, South Africa community. This includes the sponsorship of various groups of children from Pretoria. The children are brought to stay in New York for the summer where they participate in a number of activities that encourage educational, spiritual and personal growth. They are each matched up with a volunteer host parent who has been carefully selected and who has a huge heart for children. My mom has been a host parent for about 5 or 6 years now and 2 years ago, she was matched up with not one, but two boys!

    Meet Maxwell...

    Dawn Michelle Downey | Chronicles Photography | NYC Portrait Photography

    ...and Happy...

    Dawn Michelle Downey | Chronicles Photography | NYC Portrait Photography

    These two young men stole my heart when I met them last year. Maxwell is rambunctious and full of energy. He is a self-proclaimed business man and knows that success is in his future. Happy lives up to his name. He has a smile that is contagious and is super easygoing. My mom has had her hands full with these two over the past 5 weeks, but she loves it. I know that they have been a blessing to her and for that, I am grateful. 

    Dawn Michelle Downey | Chronicles Photography | NYC Portrait Photography
    Dawn Michelle Downey | Chronicles Photography | NYC Portrait Photography

    Dawn Michelle Downey | Chronicles Photography | NYC Portrait Photography

    It's sad to see them leave since they are so grounded into this family. I wish them both safe travels and many hugs, kisses and pieces of gum as they travel back to Pretoria on Friday. It has been an absolute pleasure. I don't really do goodbyes...so...till the next time!

    Dawn Michelle Downey | Chronicles Photography | NYC Portrait Photography

    PS: Want to see the rest of the children? Click here!

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